Php Artisan Key Generate Windows

For Windows Users. Copy.env.example.env now open.env and modify database etc. Details with yours. Php artisan key:generate # Add tables to the database. Hi Guys, In this quick video I show you how to set up Windows to run PHP PHfrom the command prompt (DOS - cmd). The key is to add the variable path from PHP installation to your system's. $ cd src $ composer install $ cp.env.example.env $ cp.env.example.unsplash.env-unsplash $ php artisan key:generate. You’ll need to import the Unplash Key as environment variables: Edit the.env-unsplash file. Type in the Access and Secret Keys next to the variables. Hi there i'm following the Windows ISS (Install Snipe-IT Windows 2008 R2 With IIS) I have so far gone through with minimal problems i'm on step 'Configuring Snipe IT' under chapter 3 iii i'm trying to run the command 'php artisan key:gen.

  • Php artisan make:migration createflightstable -create=flights php artisan make:migration adddestinationtoflightstable -table=flights. If you would like to specify a custom path for the generated migration, you may use the -path option when executing the make:migration command. The given path should be relative to your application's.
  • Press Restart PHP-CGI button. Configure LARAVEL. Use Adminer to check if the project's database myProjectName was created automatically. Edit laravel.env file WWW myProjectName.env and set: DBDATABASE=myProjectName DBUSERNAME=myProjectName DBPASSWORD=' Open a Command Prompt and execute: cd myProjectName php artisan key:generate php.
  • Application Key. The next thing you should do after installing Laravel is set your application key to a random string. If you installed Laravel via Composer or the Laravel installer, this key has already been set for you by the php artisan key:generate command. Typically, this string should be 32 characters long.

When running

php artisan key:generate

I can see the generated key in my shell, but the variable ‘key’ in app.php remains empty.

Running on localhost with windows-apache-php 5.4 – mysql.

Never had this problem before with laravel 4 beta version.


Uniblue powersuite working serial key. Had the same problem …

  1. Opened app.php
  2. Remove the entry that says ‘YourSecretKey!!!’
  3. Ran ‘php artisan key:generate’

Showed me a key in the console, but nothing in app.php!

Solution is … unlike Laravel 3, don’t delete the default YourSecretKey!!! in app.php, just run the command and it will work.

Hope this helps.



You should not remove the original key, just go to your project directory and run

it will work if you don’t touch the previous key.


first type any 32 character like ‘hyhyhGGyhyhyhyhy23hyhy23hyhy23hy’ this and then re execute the command in terminal/cmd.

Step 1:

Php Artisan Key:generate Windows 7

go to app —> Config –> app.php

step 2:

‘key’ => ‘10101010101010101010101010101010’, type any 32 digit or character in that place.

step 3:

go to terminal / cmd
& type : “php artisan key:generate”
press enter

step 4:

Php Artisan Key:generate Windows 10 Pro

see the key has been changed 🙂

[ It is because in Laravel 4 By using “php artisan key:generate” we simply can replace the default key any time. But if it is an empty space it can not be able to hold the place. ]

Enjoy coding 🙂 m/

Php Artisan Key:generate Windows 10


The key generator will only update the APP_KEY in the .env file.

config/app.php this is reading the APP_KEY from your .env file. The second parameter is a fallback.


Php Artisan Key Generate Command

I was having the same issue. From my project directory I noticed I had the .env file, when I opened the project in atom (my code editor) I noticed that file appeared as .env.txt, I removed the .txt part and ran the command. It worked for me.

Tags: laravel